Saturday, June 18, 2011

Blog#3 Sex Education in Public School

Sex Education is a huge topic when it come to adolescence. I think that sex education should be taught in public school as early as 5th grade. While a child is in the 5th grade the discussion should be focused on more about how their bodies are changing and abstinence. I think that should continue to be a big focus until about 7th grade. Once the child get to the 7th grade bodies are lot mature and they are really curious by now. In teaching sex education to a 7th grade and beyond the focus should be on abstinence but as adult we know that everyone will not practice abstinence. The education should be about showing children ways to talk to their parent to let them know that they are having sex or are thinking about. In order for the child to get comfortable to do that there should be a lot of scenario done in order for the child to practice. The next thing that should be talked about is the consequences of having sex. The students should go on field trip to seminar where people with STD are speaking out. They should be showed very graphic picture of what the disease look like if caught. They also need to see the medication to see how many pills need to be taken and the cost of the medication and the side effect that may have. The next thing is proper use of a birth control device. There should be a sex educator come and pick to the student in a professional manner and tell the properly way to use it device. The student should also be showed how teen pregnancy could ruin their future. They should be show things like being pregnant, to delivery, to getting up in the middle of the night, having to go to government appointment to get assistance to take care of their child such as WIC, food stamp, TANF, medicaid, housing. Then also showing how teen pregnant can affect their credit score by being on child support and no job. The credit score will be brought down to the point that when that person is older that will have a hard time getting anything.


  1. I see and agree with the careful layering of teaching that can take place in children about sex education. Some of it could be applied. This application could show children what adulthood is like. Showing adolescent children how to use conception devices is not appropriate for an activity that is illegal for underage people. This is giving them free license. They can learn those skills when they become adults or privately on their own time, not during school hours. The part about WIC, food stamps, etc. does not apply to the boys. And they would be getting the same instruction in the public school. How would that work?

  2. Hi Tyreaka,
    You chose a great topic to discuss and I absolutely agree that sex education should be taught in all schools and education should consist showing children ways to talk to their parent to let them know that they are having sex or are thinking about the matter.
